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A tutto Disney

Be our guest!

Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, madame et monsieur, we are pleased to invite you to "A tutto Disney": the opening concert of the new season of Concerts in the Park, which this year will open its doors with a show entirely dedicated to most beautiful music of the classic Walt Disney films.

Sunday 29 May, at 7.00 pm, from the San Valentino Park in Pordenone we will leave for a journey on a magical flying carpet, to fly over Agrabah in the warm oriental nights, explore the savannah of the Lion King, discover the secrets of Arendelle and try to tell all together "supercalifragilistichespiralidoso"

Ensemble Orchestra San Marco

Coro da Camera Associazione Musicale Gabriel Fauré diretto da Emanuele Lachin

Anna Viola

Raffaele Prestinenzi

Alessandro Cortello

Igor Vlainič

In collaborazione with Comune di Pordenone, Associazione Musicale Gabriel Fauré, Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia , Cidim Comitato Nazionale Musica

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